Town of Preeceville
Preeceville Bike and Skate Park
The Preeceville Bike and Skate Park Committee is pleased to announce construction of the Park is scheduled for August 2022.
Over the past five years the Preeceville Bike and Skate Park Committee, a sub-committee of the Preeceville Recreation Board, have completed fundraising efforts to construct a Bike and Skate Park.
The committee has also been applying for grant funding and were recently notified that their application to the Canada Community Revitalization Fund was successful. On June 7th, 2022 the Government of Canada announced that over $1.2 million will be invested to support community renewal and recreation across East-Central Saskatchewan. The Preeceville Bike and Skate Park Project was selected as one of seven projects in Saskatchewan that the government will be supporting. The Canada Community Revitalization Fund will contribute 74% of the Bike and Skate Park’s construction costs to a maximum of $139,000.00.
With this grant funding and the fundraising completed by the Committee the project construction has been approved to proceed this summer. The Committee has raised approximately $73,000.00 for the project so far and will be continuing fundraising efforts to see the project to completion. The total estimated cost is $235,000.00.
The Bike & Skate Park will be a multi-use facility approximately 3,950 square feet in size, located in the Preeceville Lions Park. It will offer a comprehensive range of ramps, embankments, rails, platforms and circuits to appeal to wheeled athletes of any age or skill level. The park will be constructed to accommodate Skateboards, Bikes, Scooters, and Roller Blades.
The Committee has been working with Drop In Skateparks to design and construct the Bike and Skate Park. This company has done similar projects throughout Saskatchewan and Manitoba.
The Committee’s major fundraising project over the past few years has been the Crop Fundraising Project located just west of Preeceville on land donated by Hoterra Farms Ltd. Numerous community businesses and local farmers have graciously assisted the committee with donations and contributions to the Crop Fundraising Project. Without these efforts and other donations, the project would not be attainable.
“We are very excited to see this new recreation opportunity being brought to our community and are very grateful for the support of our community throughout this project” Darin Newton, Chairperson, Preeceville Bike and Skate Park Committee.
Headwaters of the Assiniboine
The Town of Preeceville is not responsible for loss, damage, or injury from the use of the park
The park is not supervised
Use at your own risk
Park is open dawn to dusk
Helmets, pads, safety gear strongly recommended
Please keep park clean
No littering, no graffiti
No profanity, aggressive behavior, drugs, or alcohol
Respect other users of the park
Due to weather, wet or icy conditions may exist
In case of an emergency call 911
If you have any maintenance concerns call 306-547-2810
The Town has a zero-tolerance policy for any kind of bullying, foul language, or aggressive behavior at any Town facility. If you can, go to the park or facility with your child and supervise their play. Youth are more likely to behave in a positive way when an adult is present.
We’re very fortunate to have the new outdoor concrete skatepark in Preeceville. The skatepark is free and open for anyone to use, provided they follow the rules. However, there are a host of unwritten or informal rules which govern skateparks. This is called “skatepark etiquette”. Here are a few basic rules of skatepark etiquette that should be followed at every skatepark:
Flow refers to the directions people go in a park. Each park has a flow or “lines” comparable to traffic. You wouldn’t drive the wrong way down a one-way street– don’t go against the flow. If you’re new to a park, take a few minutes to watch how people are using it so you can learn the flow.
If you’re a beginner, we suggest going to the skatepark at non-peak hours. Even better is learning how to push and balance before going to the skatepark. Learn the rules and etiquette of the skatepark. If you’re an experienced skater, give beginners extra room and time. Offer advice and remember – we were all beginners at one point.
Don’t sit in areas that can be used for skating. This includes ledges, stairs, rails, and coping.
No snaking
Everyone needs to wait their turn at a skatepark. “Snaking” means going when it’s not your turn. Don’t do this.
No marathon runs
A marathon run is where someone just keeps going and going without taking any breaks. This is particularly problematic when skating a bowl or ramp where there is typically only one user at a time. Keep runs short and when you are finished, get out of the way so the next person can go.
It’s gross when people spit. It’s also illegal. If you must spit, do it in a garbage can.
Other users
Please be courteous of all users (skateboards, bikes, roller blades, scooters) and treat them with respect. The skatepark is not a playground. If you are not skateboarding, scootering, biking or rollerblading, play somewhere else.
Dirty Equipment
No muddy tires. Just got finished riding dirt jumps? Cool. Now wash your tires before coming into the park. Dirt and little pebbles are treacherous to skateboard and roller-blade wheels.
Every once in awhile, you’ll hear someone yell “Board!” at the skatepark. This is simply to signify that their board is either shot up in the air and could fall, or it got away from them while doing a trick. If this happens to you, be sure to yell board so it doesn’t hit someone else. Taking a skateboard to the head isn’t a pleasant experience.
Clean up After Yourself
Since the skatepark is a communal spot, be sure to take all of your trash with you instead of leaving it around the park. We want the skateparks to be a healthy, fun environment so we can keep them around. When the park has trash and litter everywhere, it makes it less appealing for skaters to go there. A good, stable rule is to leave an area cleaner than you found it. Trust me, everyone will be thanking you later!